Savouring Stillness

This past week was hectic and I was lethargic and unmotivated. Sleep is precious, and guilt-free rest rare. I imagine a lot of us feel this way these days. As is the custom, I moaned and whined about it. I slept earlier and woke up later, but the feeling stayed on.

And then ironically, social media came to the rescue. I came across this quote by an author I had not heard of before -

“No, we don’t need more sleep. It’s our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don’t need more sleep, we need to wake up and live.” Brooke Hampton

I paused at ‘stillness’. Maybe that's what I need. And nature. And magic. My mind was going “yes, yes, yes” to it all. So I sat with a cup of calming Lavender tea, a tiny bouquet of fallen flowers that I had picked while I walked my dog and an incense cone. And just looked around. At the birds flitting about, at the sky, at the faint crescent on it, the light fading away into the end of the day, while sipping on the hot tea. A few minutes into this, I noticed that I was feeling relaxed and refreshed. As corny as it sounded, maybe there was something to Brooke’s words after all. Maybe, being around some plants and birds, and being quiet for a bit is what I needed. Maybe I just needed to savor it all.

Post Script:

In this setting for savouring stillness, you'll find the alphabet mug and tea strainer from Nicobar, and the incense cone from Phool.


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Poetic Domestic