Seasons and Lifestyle

Photo by Aro Ha

Photo by Aro Ha

There is a cycle to everything.

We are always in the middle of transition and flux. The moon waxes and wanes, the seasons change. It has been indicated that this affects in subtle, yet significant ways. We adapt to these to an extent, mostly unaware of doing it. But if we were to actively do it, the quality of our lives could greatly improve.

Unlike olden times, we do not live our lives in tandem with these changes. This is owing to many reasons of modern living. But we can remind ourselves of the natural and instinctual ways to live. It could start with something as simple as being mindful of our natural inclinations. Our body knows best. Eat as per seasonal cravings, in moderation. Surround yourself with things that soothes you. Create your spaces to accommodate your moods. It is all about balancing our inside with the outside.


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