Transient Homes: Creating a Sense of Belonging

Imagine a west-facing window with patterned glass and black grills, overlooking a beautiful mango tree with low-hanging leaves. Neon blue ropes can be seen between the leaves, holding a flat wooden block. This simple contraption was a treasured part of my childhood. Twisting the ropes, I'd lift myself up and slowly spin around under the mysterious green canopy, as they unfurled. Lost in daydreams and reverie, this swing was my sanctuary. At around the age of 10, I stood at that window on a sunny afternoon, gazing at the abundant mango tree and my beloved swing. Naively, I vowed to live in that home forever, little knowing what the future held. Over two decades have passed since I left, surpassing the time I actually spent there. A bittersweet longing fills my heart every time I reminisce. Living in one home throughout life is a luxury few can claim today. As global citizens, we strive to keep up with the changing times, often striking roots far from our birthplace. The grounding sense of home becomes elusive as we chase after life.

Making Homes, and Moving on…


From the age of 17, every couple of years, I've embraced the challenge of settling into new and foreign spaces. And every time, against all odds, I find myself becoming attached, making it all the more difficult to say goodbye when the time comes. Surely, there are others out there who have embarked on this touching journey of making temporary homes and cherishing them. I personally know a few individuals who share these same sentiments having taken on the arduous task of transforming unfamiliar spaces into our own, only to eventually move on.

Throughout my many moves, I've always been fascinated by the remarkable ability to infuse each dwelling with familiarity, ultimately creating a sense of belonging. We take a space that is never truly ours and shape it into our personal refuge, even a temporary one at that. Sometimes, it is through the simple act of filling the rooms with personal mementos and cherished possessions. In other instances, by making new memories and associations. Regardless of the ‘how’, our collective ability to embrace change and adapt to new surroundings is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. We navigate the transient nature of our lives, continually moving, yet always yearning for a space to call our own.


Within the four walls, under the roof

More often than not, any random space has the potential to a haven where our mind and body find solace. Our past and present merge together here to create our unique signature of ownership. After having experienced it a few times and given it a whole lot of thought moreover, I believe that this coming together has four interconnected aspects: food, rituals, objects, and intangible experiences. These are the foundations of the belonging that we feel at any home that we embrace. They paint the canvas of what I like to call the Poetic Domestic.

Food: Our relationship with food transcends time. Much as it is rooted deeply in our past traditions, it also grows and evolves alongside our present preferences. Within the confines of our home, we indulge in culinary rituals handed down through generations, which is what links us to our ancestors. These recipes and techniques, passed down like treasured heirlooms, fill our space not just with tantalizing aromas and flavors, but with a sense of cultural heritage.

Rituals: Every home practices peculiar customs and rituals that we have unconsciously woven into our daily lives. Whether it be the way we prepare coffee in the morning, the annual cleaning spree, or the practice of lighting a lamp at dusk – these rituals give a sense of familiarity and comfort. The memories, beliefs, and values that these rituals envelop our space with, has a grounding effect.

Objects: We always fill our immediate surroundings with objects that embody our personal stories. An old photograph resting on a mantelpiece, a well-worn armchair handed down through generations, or a vibrant piece of art that speaks to our soul – these possessions intertwine our past and present, transforming a house into a home.

Intangible Experiences: Beyond these tangible aspects, a home is also shaped by intangible experiences. Moments of laughter, tears shed, dreams realized, and challenges overcome reside within the walls of our space. The four walls and a roof not only become a refuge for our physical selves, but as a repository of emotions and milestones, forms a narrative unique to our mind’s journey.


Everybody needs a home. Everybody needs to feel like they belong to some place. More so, when they are away from their roots. There is no one right way to go about doing this. We all do it differently and well in our own ways. What is your go to thing to do while setting up a home away from home? What makes you feel like you belong to space that isn’t yours forever?


Muri Review: Alpine Food Cover by Nicobar

