Nilaya Nilaya

Muri Review: Alpine Food Cover by Nicobar

I got this product a few months ago and I can vouch for its functionality and beauty. There is a sense of warmth around this piece. Every time I walk by the stack of fruits, there is an impression of abundance and nourishment, that translates to feeling taken good care of.

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

Intuitive Lighting

As Ingo Maurer, the 'Poet of Light' said, "light is not a thing, but the spirit which catches you inside.” I guess it is this spirit that we need to work with. Lightly. Gently. So that it is just enough. So that there is some magic to how it interacts with the objects around and how we perceive it.

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Most Popular, Lifestyle Nilaya Most Popular, Lifestyle Nilaya

Don't toss it!

There are a lot of things that we have collected over the years or been passed down to us that have outlived their use. But you needn’t necessarily toss them so they end up in a landfill somewhere. It is far more worthwhile to give them a new life.

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