From this too superficial dissection, I have come to conclude that New York City is the anti-Paris or vice versa. As one city seems to leap ahead of time, the other seems entirely comfortable in its timelessness. And also that, our expectations are only too fragile. It may be true that ‘Every city is a compromised and imperfect realization of its blueprint.’ <4> They can be far different from our fantasies and expectations as well. The architectural backdrop and cultural soirees are alluring traits of any city, but the imperfections are not trivial either. They keep the mystery and adventure alive. I have come to love both these cities for different reasons, but I owe it all to the unexpected twists.
<1> Koolhaas Rem, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, Monacelli Press, 1994
<2> Victorian novelist, Charles Dickens, on the charms of Paris.
<3> Koolhaas Rem, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, Monacelli Press, 1994
<4> Koolhaas Rem, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, Monacelli Press, 1994