Eat. Pray. Love

Slack off. Snooze. Take ten. Wind down. In style.

These are times when work follows you around, everywhere, all the time. You cannot be idle even when you are. Doing nothing has become an impossible task. There is too much work being done and we need to learn to be lazy again, to take life easy and slow down.

Elizabeth Gilbert, in her book Eat. Pray. Love, goes off on a long sabbatical to do just these. These are the things that promote our sense of well-being and we really should find ways to include that in our life. Without the shadow of work hovering over us.

We need to cook more, eat the most delicious meals, go to the beach with the family, go for walks and stay with our thoughts, meditate and breathe without worrying about the next thing we need to get done. Life needn’t be a marathon of to-do lists. So more eating, praying and loving people…


Be Smart about Hoarding


Featured: Laurie Baker