Featured: Well-Being at Home

Being starts with well-being.
— Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of Space

We live in a world confined within the capitalist tendencies of excess and accumulation, now, more than ever. Our aesthetic sensibilities have evolved to acquire more rather than the ‘nice’ and meaningful. There is a significant loss of depth in our lived experience as we choose abundance over what is worthwhile. The negative notions of luxury that the capitalist market projects, also distorts the non-utilitarian aspect of aesthetics. Essentially, modern living atmosphere has dulled our sensory experiences, especially in the spaces we dwell in. Consequently, it is crucial that we reclaim our sensory reality and intimacy in our homes.

As Susan Sontag said, ‘What is important now is to recover our senses. We must learn to see more, to hear more, to feel more.’

This is why Bachelard’s ideology of well-being drives Nilaya’s design philosophy. We believe design should be built up around this core idea of all-round well-being. It should guide all our choices, as much as possible.

We hope to work with clients who believe in this too. When our philosophies align, the rest of it falls in place.


'Nature Pills'