Intuitive Styling


There is this idea that is growing in popularity these days, with an additional feather on its cap of having credible scientific backing. It has been in place since ancient times and practiced in different forms in different places as Vastu Shastra, Feng Shui etc. We don’t question the idea that how spaces are designed affects our minds, bodies and spirits. We might be familiar with the concept, but its application hasn’t yet found prevalence in the collective psyche. So how is it that we call sell this idea better? Would saying that our emotions, more often than not, overrule our intellect help? Would people believe it to be true even though we are working harder at being rational, disconnected beings every single day. In this scramble for social highs, we forget our natural ways of being and natural pattern of life. But say hypothetically, we believe it. Would we not add curves to our walls instead of sharp, angular corners that causes tension? Would we not make our ceilings a bit higher, just so we won’t feel cooped up in a cramped space? Would we not let in as much sunlight into our space, because it lifts our mood? Would we not surround ourselves with things we love? And warmth? No one would willingly try not to do any of these things. Because we intuitively know what is best for us. We just need to pay more attention to our needs and use our emotions as well as behavior as our design guides. And less to how others perceive us.


Guatelli Museum


Inspiration: Studio Mumbai