Nilaya Nilaya

What are you if you aren't a Minimalist or a Maximalist?

But whenever I came across a beautiful paperweight or a vintage typewriter - things I could totally survive without - my heart would skip a beat and do a little hankering jig. I knew I wanted things. I would always want more. Maybe what I loved to pieces now, might fade away from the spotlight eventually. Maybe it will become all the more dearer.

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Lookbook Nilaya Lookbook Nilaya

Minimal Classicism or Gandhian Chic

Keeping in line with their site choices for the previous stores, the one in New Delhi too is a historic building. It feels like you will step back in time once you walk into this space. It has been treated with great respect and quite a few historic decor pieces scattered all around.

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

Intuitive Styling

We don’t question the idea that how spaces are designed affects our minds, bodies and spirits. We might have gotten used to this idea, but its application hasn’t yet found prevalence in the collective psyche.

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

Be Smart about Hoarding

We are all hoarders, without a doubt. To what extent could vary, but we most certainly are. Maybe we are hardwired to hoard. We might regret it eventually, but still we believe, we absolutely cannot help it.

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Lookbook Nilaya Lookbook Nilaya

Run For The Hills!

Apart from the fun elements of a well thought-out website, every single one of their projects exudes certain warmth and humanity, unlike the magazine-style cold, stark, emotionless interior design work that is seen most often.

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Most Popular, Lifestyle Nilaya Most Popular, Lifestyle Nilaya

Don't toss it!

There are a lot of things that we have collected over the years or been passed down to us that have outlived their use. But you needn’t necessarily toss them so they end up in a landfill somewhere. It is far more worthwhile to give them a new life.

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Lookbook Nilaya Lookbook Nilaya

The Bawa Garden

“Lunuganga was conceived as a series of spaces to be moved through at leisure or occupied at certain times and for certain activities. Starting from the house it is possible to set out in any direction and combine the different parts of the garden into a variety of sequences.”

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

'Nature Pills'

During our busy daily routine, mostly spent indoors glued to our screens, we tend to forget how little of contact time we have with nature. It is not hard to believe that as little as 20 minutes of spent strolling or sitting in contact with nature can lower your stress considerably.

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