Nilaya Nilaya

/ Objects /

We are emotional beings after all and we do get attached to things, and feel a certain way about everything including the coterie of objects that we assemble around us. Choosing them with thought and care is the only realistic way I can think of to go about it.

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Lifestyle, Home Nilaya Lifestyle, Home Nilaya

Post World Enviroment Day

Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course.. No more than one or few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity immeasurably diminished.

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Lookbook Nilaya Lookbook Nilaya


One can imagine the comfort of going back to the roots and practices we grew up around. If one feels tranquil just looking at the photographs, living there must certainly lull you into a state of quiet serenity!

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Lookbook Nilaya Lookbook Nilaya

Fallingwater House

An almost eerie jungle looming over a house that seemed to be precariously placed over a crashing waterfall, an illusion successfully created by the cantilevered balconies boldly jutting out over it - there was a palpable drama to this scene seen from the exterior.

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

Be Smart about Hoarding

We are all hoarders, without a doubt. To what extent could vary, but we most certainly are. Maybe we are hardwired to hoard. We might regret it eventually, but still we believe, we absolutely cannot help it.

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Lifestyle Nilaya Lifestyle Nilaya

'Nature Pills'

During our busy daily routine, mostly spent indoors glued to our screens, we tend to forget how little of contact time we have with nature. It is not hard to believe that as little as 20 minutes of spent strolling or sitting in contact with nature can lower your stress considerably.

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