Fallingwater House

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The thought that crossed my mind at the first glimpse of this historic house by Frank Lloyd Wright is that living here must have been such a thrill. An almost eerie jungle looming over a house that seemed to be precariously placed over a crashing waterfall, an illusion successfully created by the cantilevered balconies boldly jutting out over it - there was a palpable drama to this scene seen from the exterior. But the moment you stepped inside, it was a haven of peace and quiet with the sounds of the waterfall, a gentle backdrop to your everyday life; perfectly in harmony with nature, a welcome retreat from the bustle of city life for the Kaufmanns, who had commissioned Wright to work on this house.

There isn’t much else of use that I could possibly add to what has already been said and written about The Fallingwater House. But it still stands today as a testament to the seamless juxtaposition of man, architecture and nature. And it owes its humble glory to its architect’s genius.


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